The first season of Caillou aired in Canada in 1998, and later in the US in 2000. It is the only season to feature Caillou when he was 2–3 years old and wore a gray shirt (later wore a yellow in Season 2) and the only season for the title character to be voiced by Bryn McAuley, which was later voiced by Jaclyn Linetsky (who was replaced with Annie Bovaird since 2003 due to Linetsky's death in a car crash).
Episode Number | Episode Name | Plot |
Episode 1 | Caillou Makes Cookies | The Episode starts out with Caillou Drumming on a Toy Drum. Doris (Caillou's Mother) asked Caillou to not make any noise because Rosie (Caillou's Little Sister) is taking a Nap but Caillou didn't want to at first. So Caillou decided to go to the kitchen and make Cookies. But when Doris came to the Kitchen, Caillou made a big mess. So Caillou and Doris cleaned up the kitchen and made Cookies. At the end, Caillou is at the park and Boris (Caillou's Father) and his family ate the Cookies. The episode ends up with Caillou pretending to make a big mess with sand. |
Episode 2 | Caillou's Not Afraid Anymore | The Episode starts out with Caillou playing with a Ball and Doris planting flowers. Caillou lives next door to Mr. Hinkle's House. He though that Mr. Hinkle was Scary. But Doris didn't Believe him. Later, Caillou hid in his bedroom because he thought that Mr. Hinkle would catch him. Later, Caillou kept trying to hide from Mr. Hinkle and started to think that Mr. Hinkle wasn't so scary after all. At the End, Mr. Hinkle found Caillou and Caillou wasn't afraid of Mr. Hinkle anymore. |
Episode 3 | Caillou Hates Vegetables | Back when Caillou was 3, He hated vegetables and wanted cookies instead. One Day, His grandpa comes over and takes Caillou for a Walk to the Park. Along the way, his grandpa shows him various animals and their food. When Caillou and Grandpa go to Grandma's House, they pretend to be as hungry as bears cause their pretending to be bears. Caillou and Grandpa pretended that the vegetables were eating were berries because bears eat Berries. The Episode ends up with Caillou eating Cookies. |
Episode 4 | Caillou's All Alone | Caillou wanted to play with someone. But everyone was Busy. Doris had to do Taxes, Boris had to fix the washing machine and Grandpa is tucking Rosie in for her nap. Even Gilbert doesn't seem to want to play. Caillou bothered everyone who was busy because he was asking to play with them. Caillou decided to go upstairs and play with his toys. |
Episode 5 | Caillou Tides his Toys | Doris was going to let Caillou eat chocolate pudding, but he had to clean up his Toys First. |
Episode 6 | Caillou Learns to Drive | Caillou imaginated to drive not realizing he's causing any trouble. |
Episode 7 | Caillou at Daycare | Caillou goes to daycare for the very first time, but he was a little shy when he first came to daycare. |
Episode 8 | Caillou Joins the Circus | When Caillou dreams that he's a lion tamer and Gilbert is a lion, He remembers that he going to the circus today cause his Dad promised. Unfortunately, Caillou's dad corrects him that the circus is tomorrow, not today. Naturally, Caillou throws a tantrum and his Dad gets mad at him for waking up Rosie. Later, during breakfast, Caillou's dad accidentally grabs hold of burnt toast and starts juggling them. It's then that Caillou gets the idea of playing circus. So they do. Then, Caillou's mom comes downstairs. Caillou's dad asks her if she wants to play the lady that rides the horse. She replies that she'd rather go back to bed. |
Episode 9 | Caillou is Afraid of the Dark | The show takes place when Caillou was 3. It's bedtime, but there's a scratchy noise coming from somewhere in the room. Caillou thinks it's a scratchy monster. Caillou's parents thinks that he heard something. But when the scratching noise continues, Caillou gets all delirious in the dark and mistakes his parents for a two-headed monster. The "scratchy monster" then appears. It was Gilbert all along, stuck in a paper bag under Caillou's bed! Caillou then learns to use Teddy as an ear-muff. The end. |
Episode 10 | Friends | Caillou complains to his grandma that he has no friends. Caillou's grandma then asks him about Leo and Clementine. Caillou admits that Leo and Clmentine are his friends. Then she reminds Caillou that Rosie may be his sister, but she's his friend, too. And so is Gilbert and Mr. Hinkle. And lastly, so is his Mother and Father and even her - Grandma. |
Episode 11 | Caillou Visits the Doctor | When Caillou was 3, he had a really bad ear ache and had to go to the doctor. But he was scared because his ear hurt him a lot when Caillou was at the Doctor's. |
Episode 12 | Big Brother Caillou | This episode is the only episode to take place when Caillou was 2. Caillou's baby sister, Rosie was born. However, Since Rosie was Born, Caillou didn't like her very much. |
Episode 13 | Special Surprise cake | This episode takes place when Caillou was 3. Caillou wants to make a snowman, but Caillou's mom wants to take him shopping for ingredients to make a special surprise cake. At the store, Caillou sees a box of cookies, but his mom asks him to put them back. So he does, and they head to the checkout line. However, while waiting at the counter, Caillou suddenly thought of the cookies, and tries to find his way back to the cookies, only to get lost. He breaks down and cries, and it isn't long before his mom finds him. Back home, it turns out that the cake is a snowman cake. The end. |
Episode 14 | Caillou in the Bathtub | When Caillou was 3, Caillou didn't want to take a bath. He is able to get into the tub, though. In there, he has fun and creates quite a mess with the water. |
Episode 15 | Caillou gets Dressed | Caillou carries a large stack of clothing into the laundry room where his mom is doing the laundry. He decides to have a little fun and plays dress-up with his dad's clothes. His mom thinks it's funny, so she takes a picture of him together with his dad. |
Episode 16 | Teddy Shit | When Caillou was playing alone, Rosie walked in. Caillou ignores her, until he notices that she's wearing his favourite Teddy shirt, which he throws up a fuss about it. After a little reasoning with his mom, his mom promised to give Rosie her "mousie" shirt, and Caillou gets his shirt back. He puts it on. It doesn't fit him too well. After a while, it starts to itch. He tries using tape to stick the shirt down, but it didn't work. His mom then shows him a image of him with his shirt when he was 2, and reasons with him that he's outgrown it. But he's still reluctant to give the shirt to Rosie, Ending up giving her shirt to his Teddy Bear. |
Episode 17 | Big Slide | Caillou goes to the park with his daddy and sees Clementine, who wants to go on the slide. But Caillou is to afraid to go on the slide. |